Welcome To Bali Yoga Retreats

Online Yoga Teacher Training

Deepen your yoga practices and learn the art of teaching. A course designed as per yoga alliance curriculum to enhance your yoga teaching skills and be a certified yoga teacher


6 Months


210 lessons


50 Hours


Yoga Alliance

Glimpse of 200 Hour Online YTT


  • 210 Course Videos
  • Manuals & Books
  • 6 Month Access

Live Class Schedule in IST

  • 03:00 PM to 04:30 PM - Hatha Yoga
  • 04:45 PM to 05:30 PM - Alignment/Adjustment
  • 08:00 PM to 08:45 PM - Q&A Session

About 200 hour Online yoga teacher training

Become a certified yoga teacher from home through our Online Yoga Teacher certification course!

Bali Yoga Retreat is one of the leading platforms for various online yoga teacher training course with the collaboration of committed practitioners who share the same passion for keeping the old perception of Yoga alive.

Whether you need body flexibility or wish to dive deep for unlocking your spiritual side, we have something for everyone. Exploring of the yogic path is a highly transformative process. We have crafted this Online YTT course in such a way that it will enable you to complete the course by yourself and get enough teaching skills to become a good yoga teacher. This Online Yoga Teacher Training also includes the optional live classes so that you get better hold of the subjects. Moreover, our classes for Alignment, Yoga Anatomy and the art of teaching offers you with tools that you require to cultivate as an efficient yoga teacher.

At Bali Yoga Retreat, we consider our 200-hour online yoga teacher training as one of the best options for all entities or group of entities to enhance their capability and understanding of teaching yoga. The system also assists you in your yoga practice and leads to a sturdy and supple body, a calm mind and re-energized body

With perfect planning in Hatha Yoga, Ashtnga Vinyasa, Teaching methodology & Anatomy the whole online ytt course helps you master yoga practices with full assurance while staying connected to all basic teachings.

There is no doubt on the point that Yoga can easily bring changes in your life by bringing inner peace. Right from a relaxed mind to several other health benefits, Yoga makes people calm. This is the reason you should attend a online yoga teacher training course that assists you in relieving your stresses as well.

To maintain good health, more and more people are getting involved in Yoga.

We will assist you to increase your skills, get more knowledge on Yoga, and practice Yoga in every perfect way possible. Our team of yoga teachers led by Guru Vishnu train you by putting their heart and soul into the teaching. Moreover, the yoga teacher certificate you get is in par with in-person yoga training certififate in every aspect. You will become qualified to teach Yoga both online as well as offline.

Curriculam Of Online YTT

  • Welcome message by Guru Vishnu
  • Let's Start the course with the blessings of our Master Swami Rama
  • What you are going to learn in this course

  • 200-Hour Online Yoga Teacher Training Manual
  • Ashtanga Manual
  • Teaching methodology and alignment, sequencing manual
  • Book-Daily Life of a Yogi by Yogi Vishnu
  • Patanjali Yoga Sutra- Philosophy Book
  • Asana Pranayama Bandha Mudra Book
  • Meditation Book
  • Yoga Anatomy Book
  • Yoga Nidra Book
  • Mantra- Book, by Yogi Vishnu
  • HimalayanTradition
  • Assignment

  • It is a yoga festival in your home !!!
  • How to follow and Learn from class Videos
  • Assignments during the study
  • Yoga Alliance Registration and Accreditation
  • How will be your final Exam
  • Certification
  • Opportunities after doing the TTC with us
  • Benefits of doing 200 hour Online YTT with Bali Yoga Retreat
  • What advance courses you will be eligible to attend
  • Assignment

  • Following positive attitude
  • Transform your negative emotion
  • Daily Routine that you should follow
  • Assignment

  • Pawanmuktasana A-1
  • Pawanmuktasana B-1
  • Pawanmuktasana C,-1
  • Kneeling Postures Hatha Yoga-1
  • Standing Posture Hatha Yoga-1
  • Parsvottanasana-1
  • Standing Joint Movement -1
  • Balancing Postures-1
  • Sun salutation-1
  • Adjustment-1
  • Inversion-1
  • Fire Series-1
  • Hip Opening Postures -1
  • Sited Forward Band-1
  • Sited Twisting Postures-1
  • Sequence
  • Asana Assignment

  • How to Practice Sun Salutation Correctly
  • Correct Alignment of Sun Salutation
  • Correct Alignment and adjustment of Utkatasana, Adhomukhaswanasana, Trikonasana, Uttanasana, Padangusthasana, Padahastasana
  • Correct alignment and adjustment with and without props- Worrier 1, Worrier 2, and Worrier 3
  • Correct Alignment & Adjustment of Prasarita Padottanasana A/B/C/D
  • Correct Alignment & Adjustment of Parsvottanasana, Ardha Chandrasana
  • Assignment for alignment

  • Ashtanga Introduction
  • Sun Salutation A & B
  • Ashtanga 03
  • Ashtanga 04
  • Ashtanga 05
  • Ashtanga 06
  • Ashtanga 07
  • Ashtanga 08
  • Ashtanga 09
  • Ashtanga 10
  • Ashtanga 11
  • Ashtanga 12
  • Ashtanga 13
  • Ashtanga 14
  • Ashtanga 15
  • Ashtanga 16
  • Ashtanga 17
  • Ashtanga 18
  • Ashtanga 19
  • Ashtanga 20
  • Ashtanga 21
  • Ashtanga 22
  • Ashtanga 23

  • Pain Makes all a philosopher
  • What are Philosophy and its importance.
  • Science of Karma
  • Purpose of Human Life
  • Founder of Yoga
  • Yoga is not religion but Life Style
  • Yoga Philosopphy is the philosophy of lIfe
  • Eight limbs of yoga- Sanosha and Tapas
  • Religion-Belief-ignorance and Yoga
  • Yoga is the control of operation of mind
  • Philosophy is the search of Truth
  • Philosophy Lesson 12
  • Philosophy Lesson 13
  • Philosophy Lesson 14
  • Assignment

  • Anatomy 01
  • Anatomy 02
  • Anatomy 03
  • Anatomy 04
  • Anatomy 05
  • Anatomy 06
  • Anatomy 07
  • Anatomy 08
  • Anatomy 09
  • Anatomy 10
  • Anatomy 11
  • Anatomy 12
  • Anatomy 13
  • Anatomy 14
  • Anatomy 15
  • Anatomy 16

  • Welcome to Pranayama
  • Introducing Pranayama
  • Aspects of Breathing
  • Levels of Prana
  • books and scriptures of Pranayama
  • General understanding of pranayama
  • How to activate nostrils
  • Secrets of Pranayama
  • purpose of Pranayama
  • Breath and 5 Elements
  • Units of Prana
  • Functions of Prana
  • Three Gunas
  • How Prana Flow
  • Quality of Breath
  • Imbalance of Prana
  • Retention of Breath
  • Sukhasana- posture to practice
  • Swastikasana - posture for pranayama
  • Vajrasana- posture for pranayama
  • Siddhasana- Posture for Pranayama
  • Padmasana- Lotus pose to Breath
  • Maitri Asana for pranayama
  • Breathing Pattern
  • Clavicular Breathing
  • Thoracic or Chest Breathing
  • Diphragmatic Breathing
  • Yogic Breathing
  • Pranava Pranayama
  • Nadi Sodhanam Pranayama
  • Bhastrika Pranayama
  • kapal Bhati Pranayama
  • Panchakosha-Pranayama
  • Pranayama philosophy
  • Pranayama Assignment

  • What is Mantra
  • Shanti Mantra
  • Asato ma sad gamaya
  • Mritunjaya mantra
  • Mantra Assignment

  • Introduction to Meditation
  • History of meditation
  • What is Meditation
  • Scriptures meditation
  • Meditation manual
  • Secrets of Meditation
  • Important things in Meditation to know
  • Preparation to meditation
  • How to sit in meditation
  • Asana for Meditation
  • Body Position
  • Difference between human and animal
  • Swastika asana- perfect meditation pose for all
  • How to practice Vajrasana to meditate
  • Siddhas- meditation pose for kundalini awakening
  • Padmasana- Lotus for Advance students
  • Matri Asana for Elderly and weak body
  • Diaphragmatic breathing for enhancing meditation
  • Full Body Relaxation
  • Basic Meditation Exercise
  • Diaphragmatic Breathing
  • Meditation Assignment

  • Foundation of Yoga Therapy
  • Therapy for common diseases
  • Role of purification teachnique in Yoga Therapy
  • Pranayama Therapy

  • Ayurveda Meaning
  • Four Vedas
  • Panch Karma - Part 1
  • Panch Karma - Part 2
  • Ayurveda Therapies

  • What is Yoga Nidra
  • Purpose of Yoga Nidra
  • Process of Yoga Nidra
  • Techniques of Yoga Nidra
  • The role of Relaxation
  • Mind training
  • Yoga Nidra Experience
  • Pratyahara
  • Different states of consciousness

  • Basic Relaxation Practice
  • Full Body Relaxation Practice
  • Tension Relaxation Practice
  • 31 Point Blue Star Yoga Nidra
  • Heart centre awakening Yoga Nidra

  • Introduction to Tantra
  • Different Tantra Traditions
  • Types of Tantra
  • Science of Tantra
  • Tantric literature
  • Tantra in Vedas
  • Tantra & Sexuality
  • Misunderstanding of Tantra

  • Bandha
  • How Bandhas Works
  • Understanding of Bandhas
  • How to Practice Mula Bandha
  • Mula Bandha
  • Uddiyana Bandha
  • Agni Sara Kriya
  • Proper Uddiyana Bandha
  • Jalandhara Bandha
  • 49 Maha bandha

  • Namaste Mudra
  • Mudra
  • Dandavat Pranam
  • Channelize Mudra Energy
  • Gyan & Chin Mudra
  • Yoni Mudra
  • Hridaya Mudra
  • Bhairava Mudra
  • Sambhavi Mudra

  • Dance Exercise

  • Task - 1
  • Task - 2

Subject included in this Online Yoga Teacher Training

Hatha Yoga –

Hatha yoga is a branch of yoga that comes to mind while you are thinking of general yoga. The entire practice of Hatha yoga includes your breath, mind as well as your body

Hatha Yoga is one of the most ancient practice of yoga and considered as the basic to all other forms of yoga. Hatha conveys " force," and thus hatha yoga is called the yoga of force.  In simple terms, through our classes, you attain a state of yoga through a force. This course provides definitions, step by step guide, benefits and variations of wide range of hatha yoga practices which also includes

  • Asana
  • Pranayama
  • Mantra
  • Mudra
  • Shatkriyas and Shatkarmas

Ashtanga Vinyasa –

Ashtanga Vinyasa yoga is an old, active, and dynamic type of yoga. When your practice it perfectly, it creates an internal heat that cleans and purifies, develops a sturdy and supple body bringing high clarity to your mind. This yoga needs a high degree of concentration as well as focus. If you practice it with increased passion, you will find that it offers quick progress and tangible outcomes.

Practice it six days a week in the morning time, and its effect is the same as rebooting your computer. Clean all the clutter you have collected the previous day. After practice, you feel refreshed as well as renewed. Astanga Vinyasa yoga helps break down and release all accumulated toxins and blockages in your body.

Alignment & Teaching Methodology –

Alignment is a word used in yoga when we are talking about the best way through which you can do a pose. Alignment is how we position our body to obtain the full benefit of yoga poses without discomforting or injuring ourselves.

An accurate body alignment and teaching methodology helps in increasing your body balance: Your body postures improve, which in turn enhances your body balance.

Assist in decreasing your lower back pain: When you perform body postures, it puts pressure on your spine, which also involves your ligaments, intervertebral discs as well as muscles that leads to lower back relaxation.

Yoga Anatomy –

Explore your own body and its limitation with our course in Yoga anatomy!

Yoga anatomy assists you in knowing the tools that you require to understand your body movements. Thorough knowledge of yoga anatomy, you can learn about the primary muscles and joints of your body. You can quickly figure out why you can or can not go further in a yoga posture. Discover some of the profound aspects of yoga practice and learn how yoga practice can affect your nervous system.

Meditation –

Manage your mind efficiently with meditation!

Meditation techniques are powerful ways to help you distress, connect to yourself, and achieve a clear perspective. For most yoga practices, it is vital for you and your students to sit down in a comfortable position and allow the mind to escape. There are endless techniques for meditation, for which it is challenging to decide which meditation is best for your students.

Meditation helps students to use the strength and the balance created while practicing asana to learn managing minds.

Pranayama – s

Pranayama, in simple words, is an extension of your life force. Practicing pranayama assist in clearing all physical and mental obstacles of your body for unrestricted breathing. Because of this, regular practice of pranayama help you to feel the change in your thought patterns and offers an energy boost in your body. In addition, you also reach high levels of consciousness.

Allow the life energy to flow through your body. It will provide you energy, relaxation and heals your body.

Yoga Philosophy –

In addition to yoga postures and yoga anatomy, yoga philosophy is also an essential part of this online yoga teacher certification. Principles of yoga philosophy make the addition of depth as well as dimension to your yoga teaching. A yoga teacher training certification is one of the first exposure to yoga philosophy. For beginners, it might be challenging, for which we have covered this subject in depth as well

This online yoga certification course also focus on some philosophies like Traditional Tantra, Ayurveda and much more

Eligibility for 200 Hour Online YTT

200 hour online yoga teacher training is a beginner to the intermediate level course. This course if for you, IF

  • You want to be a certified yoga teacher
  • You want to deepen your asana and meditation practice
  • You are looking to learn the depth & science behind every asana
  • You want to learn the art of teaching yoga
  • You are looking for a well structured course do at your own pace
  • You are looking for a training at the comfort your home

Teachers for this Course

We have a great team of 8 yoga gurus (masters) who are predominantly selected for the 500 Hours yoga teacher training program and are registered yoga teachers, Mastered in yoga science & Ph.D. with many years of yoga teaching experience to various countries around the world, some are also gold medallist and come from a lineage of the Himalayan yogis.

Yogi Vishnu Panigrahi

Yoga Experience: 10+ Years

Yogi Vishnu Panigrahi has been steeped in spiritual endeavors since childhood. As a young boy, his grandfather advised him to meditate and pursue spirituality from an honest and pure perspective.

A Radhe-Krishna Temple was constructed by his grandfather in their village in Odisha, India where Vishnu would frequently serve food and water to wandering sadhus.
In the larger town ten kilometers away from his village, young Vishnu would skip school and attend the Satsang (spiritual company and discourse of the saintly) of several swamis, counting among them was Swami Avdheshanand Giri of Haridwar. He found a Kalyana-Mitra (a friend on the noble path) in a boyhood friend who would arrange to meet with him at 3 a.m. in secluded places away from the village. Here they would join for meditation and chant "Mohamudgaram," a famous hymn by Adi Shankaracharya, to dispel their fears and gain vairagya (intense inclination to renunciation).

On Sundays and holidays, Vishnu would serve the impoverished people at the nearby hospital by washing them and taking care of those waiting and recovering from treatment. There was always a lack of nurses to care for the patients who had to lay on the cement floor with bare facilities. One day, young Vishnu met an old man who had a horrible odor with small worms attached to his legs. He was neglected by the doctors for a long time but eventually, his legs were treated and bandaged. For a few days, Vishnu took it upon himself to care for the man by cleaning his beard and taking care of his every need. The man was so grateful and — driven to happiness the old man blessed young Vishnu.


Yogi Surendra

Yoga Experience: 10+ Years

Yogi Surendra, has been instrumental in the Yogic path since 1000.

With a deep quest for spirituality, he started practicing Meditation from his teenage and continuing the exploration of inner world with the joy of sharing it to fellow travelers. Professionally trained as an Electrical Engineer, he worked with India’s top Engineering Institute (IIT Roorkee) and Multinational Companies before fully dedicating himself to the cause of Yoga. He has been trained extensively in Yogic Science from various world-renowned Yoga institutes and holds a Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga Education (PGDYed) from Kaivalyadhama Yoga Institute, Lonavala and a Master of Science (MSc) degree in Yogic Science and Holistic Health.

He is a qualified Yoga Teacher under AYUSH, an Indian government agency dedicated to promote Yoga and other alternative therapies, with its highest level of evaluation and recognition for Yoga Professionals. Apart from his Yoga training, he is also a Certified Sound Healer from IASH and Master of Self Hypnotherapy from California Hypnosis Institute. Currently, he conducts in=depth Yoga and Meditation teacher training in association with Yoga Schools in Rishikesh. Since his association, he has successfully trained hundreds of students from more than 40 countries to become professional Yoga and Meditation teachers.

Online 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course

Ashutosh Mishra

Yoga Experience: 10+ Years

Ashutosh Mishra born and bought up in Rishikesh, known as international capital of yoga, it was in his gene to enjoy and explore the great ancient art of yoga, and he is strongly rooted in Hatha yoga and Therapeutic yoga. His style is dynamic combination of intelligent sequencing and alignment for t he body and health condition of the person. He was introduced to yoga at a very tender age. So his father enrolled him at the University of Patanjali. He spent three years at the University and earned his Bachelor’s Degree in yogic science. He did his master’s in yoga therapy from Uttarakhand Sanskrit University. After finishing his master’s in yoga therapy he decided to carry the mantle of promoting yoga and help all the possible people who longing for help through yoga by being a yoga teacher. He started to practice karma yoga in the Ashram, helping local and international students to overcome the cultural barrier and learn the life style of the Ashram. He is teaching to all others both therapeutic and TTC students, and also attending class of other teachers in all possible opportunity make Ashutosh ji to turn the finest skills, and the “continue to improve” mentality make a great asset for any organization.

Online 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course

Yogi Naveen

Yoga Experience: 10+ Years

Mr. Naveen has been teaching Yoga Teacher Training since 2015. He had trained over a 1000 teachers in India and abroad. Most of his work is in Yoga Capital Rishikesh, India. He has also taught yoga in China and Vietnam. Naveen holds a Master in yogic science,and is a certified Prenatal and postnatal yoga teacher trainer.he has also done 500 hours yoga TTC from yoga alliance U.S.A. Mr.Naveen currently works with one of india’s leading Prenatal - Postnatal Yoga school in Rishikesh, India.

Online 100 Hour Yoga Teacher Training Course

Buy 200 Hour Online YTT course

$299 USD

Our Yoga School Rating

Since one month, I started 200 hour online YTT, it was amazing ! I have not expected this course to be so broad, detailed and wonderfully prepared. Teacher are fantastic and the yoga philosophy class is mind blowing. I am really grateful to have been part of this. I hope soon I will be able to share my learning and start to give some Yoga classes.Thank you Ashu and Guruji for valuable and amazing knowledge ! I recommend this School to everyone !

Lauren Letestu


My online yoga teacher training at the Bali Yoga Retreats was a life changing experience. The course went far beyond my best expectations. Teachers are extremely professional, Guru vishnu speeches are inspiring and the vibe with other students was amazing. I totally recommend this course and this school!

Frida Saracchi


The course this school offers gives you a lot of knowledge regarding yoga.I'm very happy with all the materials and files they provide.I feel like I need to deepen my knowledge of yoga philosophy after this course. Guru Vishnu made me even more curious about yoga. I love how he explains things with a lot of examples. It's strange how such an experience, even if online, can change you is such a meaningful way. If you're searching for a traditional way of teaching yoga and learn it the right way I highly recommend this course. Don't expect the typical western method involving only asanas. This course is way better than expected!

Cristiana Brindas

I really enjoyed and would highly recommend this course. All the teachers were lovely and helpful and very patient at answering the many questions that we had, particularly on the WhatsApp group that was set up so we could share info etc. The live classes were great to participate in but the amount of recorded material provided by the instructors was very informative so missing a few of them didn't affect the overall learning experience. The recorded alignment classes were particularly good for us budding teachers providing a step by step guide in how to teach beginners. Overall a great value for money course.

Louise Hannon

Choosing the yoga teacher training course with Bali Yoga Retreat was one of the best decisions I ever made. It was an amazing experience. I will continue my yoga path with them and recommend this school and teachers to the others.

Arita Vilkaste

Our Average Rating



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Frequently Asked Questions

Few Frequently Asked Question Related To This Course

Get instant answers for your quereies below. If you could not find the answer to your queries feel free to email us at contactbaliyogaretreat@gmail.com.

You will receive all the course materials in a pre-recorded format. Live classes are only optional. You would still qualify for certification, even if you are not attending the live classes.

The live classes will be recorded and uploaded on your online platform. If you miss any live classes, you can watch it later using the recorded videos.

At the end of the course, you are supposed to submit 2 videos on teaching demonstration. Apart from this there will be written assignments for some subjects.

After 6 months, if you still need the access to the materials, you can extend the access by paying a small fee

Yes, this course is accredited by yoga alliance and you will be eligible to register in the yoga alliance

In this course along with asanas you will also learn about anatomy, teaching methodology, alignment-adjustment and business aspects for becoming a yoga teacher. We will make sure that you will be well qualified to be a good yoga teacher

In order to be a certified yoga teacher, you need to register yourself for 200-RYT in the Yoga Alliance. Once you do this you will be a certified yoga teacher and you can start teaching yoga anywhere in the world

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